
Soans, Olev (1925 – 1995)

Soans, Olev (1925 – 1995). Map of a History of the Literature of Estonia. (1975

Olev Soans, a celebrated Estonian graphic artist, embarked on his artistic journey upon completing his studies in 1941 at the Pärnu Trade Lyceum. However, his path was briefly interrupted when he was mobilized into the German army two years later. In the aftermath of the Second World War, Soans dedicated his skills to educating others as an art teacher in Järvakandi.

His post-war period saw him furthering his education, leading him to graduate from the Estonian National Art Institute in 1951. Following his graduation, he seamlessly transitioned into a teaching role at the same institute, further shaping the future of Estonian art.

Soans’ repertoire showcases his status as one of the most versatile Estonian artists. His extensive body of work encompasses free charts, book illustrations, posters, and infographics. Additionally, his masterful techniques span across various mediums including etching, drypoint, lithography, linocuts, woodcuts, silkscreens, and even the avant-garde electrographic screen printing. In recognition of his invaluable contributions, a memorial fund has been established in his honor.

Art aficionados can view and purchase Olev Soans’ signature Estonian art pieces at the renowned Rios Art Gallery.