
Mythical Realms | Legends Exposition at RIOS ART Gallery

Strahhov, Anatoli (born1946). Stone Knight.I (2014)

Exhibition Name: Legends

Date: (13.11.2014 – 13.12.2014)

Venue: Tallinn, Kaarli pst. 8

Mythical Narratives in Contemporary Strokes – Legends Exhibition at RIOS ART.

The gallery RIOS ART has arranged an exposition of a certain theme again – “Legends”. The previous expositions have been named “Food” and “Hobbies in Art”.The exponents are the same: Slava Semerikov, Anatoli Strakhov, Valeri Laur, Vera Stanishevskaya, Alexander Litvinov, Andrei Balašov . These artists have much in common: the sensitive aesthetism, careful finish and,at the same time, playful spirit.The element of play, accompanied by the slight irony,approximates these artists,who, at the first glimpse, can be taken for retrospectivists, to the present day, although one could presume that old masters hadn’t been deadly serious about the antique or biblical legends either. The antique mythology and the Bible as the treasuries of poetic images have always inspired the artists, including the present exponents who have interpreted these legends earlier already.The heroines of Greek myths have given names to the female personages of Slava Semerikov, the muses and Eve have become familiarized in the art of Vera Stanishevskaya. Anatoli Strakhov has been fascinated beside Euridice, Virgin Mary and Sainte Elizabeth, by the White Lady,appearing in the Haapsalu church during the summer nights, and by the legend of Don Juan,recorded in the play of Alexander Pushkin “The Stone Guest”. He has created a beautiful image of the “Three Sisters” – the group of houses in the old Tallinn, surrounded by the legendary aura. The sculptor Alexander Litvinov’s dynamic, bold generalization of form asserts itself in different materials and in the context of the exposition.