
History Modern Time | Baltic German Art Exhibition – 2015

Unknown German artist. Boat on the Sea Coast (1940s)

Name of Exhibition: “History Modern Times”

Date: (05.06.2015 – 05.07.2015)

Venue: Tallinn, Mustamäe tee 12b Porsche Tallinn Office.

Exploring the Artistic Roots | Baltic German Influence on Estonian National Art.

The popularity of Baltic German art, amongst researchers and collectors, has grown in the last few decades. Baltic German art was the natural foundation for development of Estonian national art. For example A.W. Pezold’s and O. Hoffmann’s paintings, respectively influenced J Köler’s and P Raud’s decision to embark on their study of art. Furthermore various Baltic German artists acted as mentors for young Estonian artists. Finally there is also a deeper cultural link between Baltic German and Estonian art, stemming from a shared homeland, nature, history and traditions.