Leitu, Silvia (1912-1969). The Girl in National Costume (1950s)


Coloured graphics created by Silvia Leitu, this art piece titled “Leitu, Silvia (1912-1969). The Girl in National Costume (1950s)” is an exquisite example of her watercolour mastery. Measuring 20.9 x 10 cm, it is a celebration of the traditional folk dress from Jämtland. On the reverse, it’s marked as “Silvia Leitu Akvarellskiss Folkdräkt frän Jämtland.” As a recognized theatre costume designer and creator of floral compositions, Silvia Leitu’s works are unique in style and of high artistic value. In emigration circles, she was widely known as a distinguished master of watercolours.

Dimensions 20.9 × 10 cm

1 in stock

SKU: 327 Category: