Jewish Encyclopedia. In 16 volumes (RU)


Experience the richness of Jewish culture and heritage with the “Еврейская энциклопедия”. Published in 1907 by the Society for Scientific Jewish Publications and Брокгауза и Ефрон in St. Petersburg, this 16-volume set is the first comprehensive edition in the Russian language.Under the editorial supervision of Dr. A. Garkavi and Dr. L. Katznelson, it offers an unparalleled view into every aspect of Jewish life. The encyclopedia covers all periods of Jewish history, and every form of spiritual and social creativity, including religion, philosophy, literature, law, linguistics, customs, and folklore. Each volume is beautifully illustrated with colorful chromolithographs and in-text drawings.Drawing inspiration from the original 12-volume Jewish encyclopedia, this masterwork is an invaluable resource for scholars, historians, and enthusiasts alike.

Dimensions 27 × 19.5 cm

1 in stock

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