Höland, Constantin (Turn of the 19th – 20th centuries).
A striking sculpture made of patinated bronze titled “Boy Playing with a Rope” from the 1900s. This masterpiece rests on a marble pedestal and bears the signature “Höland” on its lower reverse. Crafted by the renowned German sculptor of mini plastic, Constantin Höland, this piece stands as a testament to the fine artistry of the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries. A rarity in itself, this model is recognized in esteemed sculpture encyclopedias such as “Bronzes Sculptors & Founders Volume 2 & 3” by Harold Berman, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd. (1994). It’s also a part of the photo collection of Bronze sculptures by B.-O. & G.Trappe.
Dimensions | 2389 × 986 cm |
Painter |
1 in stock
Category: Sculpture