
Collection 2014 | Dmitri Dobrovolsky Vibrant Artistry in Tallinn

Dobrovolsky, Dmitri (born 1968). Saarema Boats. (2014)

Name: “Collection 2014”

Exhibition Date: (26.09.2014 – 25.10.2014)

Venue: Tallinn, Kaarli pst. 8.

Painter Dmitri Dobrovolsky

He was born in Kiev in 1968, graduated from the local High School for Applied Art and Design in 1988 as designer and from the State Academy of Figurative Art and Architecture in 1994 as painter-monumentalist. Well-known painters-academicians V.Zabashty and V.Storozhenko were among his professors. He is member of the Union of Ukrainian Artists since 1998.

The first one-man-show of D.Dobrovolsky took place in Kiev in 1994. During the following twenty creative years he has taken part in more than 20 local and international expositions: In the Ukraine – in Kiev, in United Kingdom – in London, Cambridge and Edinburgh, in Germany – in Kassel, in Russia – in Moscow, in the U.S.A. – in Chicago, in Estonia – in Tallinn and Kuressaare. His works are in the private collections and museums of European countries as well as of the U.S.A. and Canada.

He has elaborated his style, founded on the contrasts of colours, on the mosaic texture,rich in shades, beautiful accords. The colour is, in fact, the contents of his works as the expression of emotions. For him the colour is the aim and sense of the art of painting.

Dmitri Dobrovolsky has been several times in Estonia that has inspired him, where he has created and exposed mainly the works representing Tallinn. His present exposition in Tallinn is the fifth one already.
Prince Charles organized in 2013 a charity auction where a work of D.Dobrovolsky has been put up for sale, too. The painting has been bought by a member of the royal family for 8250.- £.