Eduard Maaser, born in Barnaul, soon relocated to Tartu with his family. In his youth during the late 1920s, he pursued his education at the prestigious natural science gymnasium Hugo Treffner. Following this, he embarked on a journey in the legal world by enrolling at the Faculty of Law at the University of Tartu. However, his true passion lay in art, leading him to the esteemed Pallas Art School.
Upon completing his education, Eduard received his degree in drawing on board from the State Art Institute of Tartu. Not just an artist, he was entrusted with overseeing the distance learning curriculum for fine arts at the National Art Museum of Tartu. Eduard’s diverse portfolio boasted of captivating still lifes, evocative landscapes, and intricate city views, masterfully crafted in oils and watercolors.
His talents weren’t just restricted to traditional paintings. He had a flair for satire, often publishing cartoons in notable newspapers such as the Tallinn Post, Uus Eesti, and Rahva Hääl. Furthermore, he illustrated the significant work, “Flora of the Estonian USSR”. Eduard’s niche, however, was as an eminent artist of bookplates and transcripts for theatrical performances.
For art enthusiasts looking to own a piece of Eduard’s legacy, the Rios Art Gallery proudly showcases an online sale of paintings by this iconic Estonian artist.